Experimental Methods
Results and Discussion
?? Most of the iron oxide nanopar3cles synthesized using the coprecipita3on method were measured to be about 60 nanometers in size. A large size distribu3on, between 35 and 105 nanometers, was expected due to the procedure used.
Results and Discussion
?? The slope of each line is the compression modulus for each sponge. This number corresponds to the rigidity of each sponge. ?? Ini3ally tests showed Sponges A and B to be magne3c, however Sponge B appears to be more magne3c. TGA determined a composi3on of 6.79% iron oxide nanopar3cles in Sponge B. While this sponge has 6.79% of magne3c iron oxide, it does not actually change size when a magne3c ?eld is applied.
Results and Discussion